
By NightOwl45

Friday the 13th

I’m absolutely shattered today but at least it has been a productive day.

The district nurse came out to change my foot burn dressing this morning about half ten and left me a zip up bag of all the kit I need to change my dressing after a shower or if it falls off or gets wet. I was incredibly grateful for the kit as I am very much someone who likes to do things for myself. 

I was very relieved that she had put a box of tubular bandage into the kit - or toeless socks as I was calling them! They really help keep the dressing in place. The nurse is coming on Monday to change the dressing and she took a photo of my foot as she wants to ask colleagues what they think the next course of action should be. 

After the nurse left, a friend rang and I chatted with her for a good while and then had lunch. I wasn’t feeling very hungry and have had little energy or enthusiasm for food, which is very unlike me! I bought a Jamaica Ginger Cake yesterday as a treat for today. Carrot cake is my absolute favourite but Jamaica Ginger is a close second. 

I thought it might perk up my appetite a bit even though I am trying to keep sugar to a minimum for the sake of my fibro pain levels.

I’m walking on my a foot a bit better today but it was very sore last night and kept me up to 2am again. However, this morning, other than my usual morning fibro stiffness, I felt okay but incredibly fatigued. I slept well when I finally got off to sleep but have been lethargic and low in mood all day. I have only had to take two paracetamols for the foot today, which I am really pleased about.

I didn’t feel like going out today which was a shame as it was much drier today with only the odd shower. I didn’t go out to feed the birds with seed I picked up yesterday as I was so zonked. 

Today’s Blip is of a salt and pepper set I bought as a souvenir on a holiday to Dublin back in 2006. I think they look like they’re kissing in my snap haha. 

I went on that break with a group of teaching colleagues - such a wonderful memory, we had a lot of fun, staying in a beautiful Art Deco hotel very close to the Temple Bar area. I went with an Australian colleague to see the Book of Kells, Trinity College and the house of James Joyce. St Stephen’s Green was so beautiful. We all went to the Guinness Factory which was interesting but I am not a fan of Guinness and struggled to drink the pint you get at the top of the building, where the tour ended. I find it too heavy in my stomach. I could never get up all those stairs now.

My other teaching colleagues were more interested in Topshop and Pizza Hut but each to their own. There were amazing shops too but I didn’t buy much even though I love clothes. I was more interested in the culture. I fell in love with the city and would love to go back one day. I hope I can if my health allows it. 

This afternoon, I spent several hours making phone calls to arrange various health appointments, reschedule some others due to my foot, sort out mobility support and some extra mobility equipment I will need going forward, both for my fibromyalgia and my foot burn. 

It was a very tiring process but at least I feel I achieved something. There’s been a few tears today and a lot of sadness. I think  all the lack of sleep and pain has washed me out and hit me like brick today.

After I had made my phone calls, which took me until about 5pm, I had a rest and a cup of Yorkshire Tea with the cake. 

Before dinner, I spent two hours with my electric heat pad on doing some singing lessons online, using a subscription I was gifted for Christmas/my birthday. I found it very therapeutic and I am going to keep at them. Quite a few people have told me that I have a very good voice so we shall see what the lessons do!

I still have my daily Duolingo German to do. I was going to do it earlier this evening but I got distracted watching ‘Til Death Do Us Part. Does anyone remember that? Had me in stitches! Laughter and music are the best medicines for me. Comedies like that would never get commissioned today, such a lot has changed in the world!

An early night with my book for me. Hopeful I will get to sleep before 2am.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for all your stars, comments etc. I will catch up over the weekend :) xx

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