Wire Fence
Having done inside blips for the last few days I thought I ought to get out more. As mrsfb was staying in to do washing and telephone calls I decided to take a walk along Helen's Ditch. Mrsfb doesn't like Helen's Ditch as she thinks it is always too muddy. She was right. It was very muddy. Luckily I was able to wash the mud off my wellies in the river on the way home.
The blip is a gripping image of the wire fence around the tennis court, with the court, football pitch and church in the background.
Apparently Helen might have been a witch by the way.
Otherwise it's been a busy day. There was the Manchester derby to watch, and the Sainsbury's delivery to amend for tomorrow. Well not that busy.
One year ago:
Birthday Flowers ...
Hang on, wasn't that yesterday?
I wore my green wellies today, so that's three years of use now.
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