Little daffs

Today's the day ...................... to draw a veil

Do you ever have one of those days when nothing goes right?

I don't mean that anything went badly wrong - it's just that nothing went particularly right and everything I did was a bit like walking through treacle.  I tried to help Will with some accounts that he was doing in his role as Treasurer of one of the Kirkcudbright Societies.  That was a big mistake?!

I decided to clean one of the bird feeders which meant taking it to pieces.  It took me hours to put it back together again - despite the fact that I have done that hundreds of times.  I failed to do Wordle.  I failed to go out for a walk - or in fact, anything else that I planned to do today.  It's been a disaster.  Thank goodness Will is cooking pizzas tonight - because I would probably have burnt whatever I was trying to make, to a crisp.

But as a soothing and calming alternative to today's disasters, here are some spring bulbs steadily pushing their way out of the ground.  They are just quietly getting on with what they do best, ready to produce a beautiful display when the time is right .......................

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