Moon (& Star)

CyclopsJnr's tastes and needs are continuing to change, so we popped into Ikea this morning for a look at bedroom furniture for ideas.  He's now very taken with the idea of having a loft bed with a  reading nook underneath!  

After the obligatory Ikea meatballs for lunch, we went to the cat rescue to see if they had any cats suitable for us, since our previous cat died last year.

There were only really a couple of options for reasonably young outdoor cats which were child tolerant, and CyclopsJnr was really good meeting them - kind and gentle.  Somehow we ended up coming home with a pair of sisters, 9-month old cats called Moon (black - pictured) and Star (who is "tortoiseshell"  - really black with a brown star on her front).

Moon is very relaxed and friendly, and has spend most of her time sitting next to someone or on someone's lap.  Her sister is a little more cautious and has been staying a bit more out of the way.  We think they both know where their food and litter tray are, but neither has showed any interest in such things yet.

CyclopsJnr has been positively bubbling over with excitement but has restrained himself from grabbing the cats and trying to bundle them into cuddles...

We had a lovely game of Qwirkle before dinner too.

When CyclopsJnr went to bed, Star sat outside his room and squeaked occasionally - we think she was indignant she wasn't allowed in!

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