Living my dream

By Mima


…are we going into the fruit cage Mima? I can see you’ve lifted the netting, but why are you messing about taking photos when I could be in there tidying up?”

Well quite….so in we went. Me to pick, Bean to clean up. It’s a vital role apparently.

I picked 2kg of raspberries. There’s a large bowl for my dinner and the remainder are mixed with sugar overnight, to make jam tomorrow.

It’s been a beautiful sunny day. 26C saw me knock off for a couple of hours this afternoon, so I didn’t quite get all my jobs done.

I did however squeeze in some cheese-making: a Wensleydale which is now in the press until tomorrow.

In a few days’ time I shall be cutting into the very first hard cheeses I made in November. It will be fascinating to see if they look as they should, and to find out how they taste.

The nipping in the bud of the tiresome person is on hold for the moment, much to my relief. All is quiet on that front and I’ve decided there’s no point in stirring things up unnecessarily. However, I now have a plan which can be swung into action the moment I feel it’s appropriate. It is very good to be prepared. It’s even better to be able to let things be - for the time being at least.

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