A Sunday Special

It was a modest Sunday special - a latte and a vegan bun that doubled as breakfast and coffee. I am not a vegan but the sugary top enticed me and I have to say it was delicious.

I would love to regale you with my exploits of the day but in truth there were none. A washing does not count as an exploit worthy of notice.
It was a bright but very cold day and I thought I could have a walk and pop in to see daughter#2 en route but as luck would have it they were going out to see an exhibition of Dr Who at the museum. I passed on the invitation to meet them there. I’ve rarely watched Dr Who, and the thought of the  Museum on a Sunday was enough to say no thanks.

I did go for a walk but it was a fairly short circular one, cold enough to send me scuttling back in my new boots to the coolth of the Dower House.

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