The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog


Dear O'H, Lovely Tea Jenny & Eldest Mini Princess,

Last week The Eldest Mini Princess went to the dentist for a checkup and was told she needs a filling.

The Youngest Mini Princess thinks this is hilarious and has teased EMP mercilessly since…“Is it because you have tooth decay?” and ”has the decay gone to your brain?”

YMP and I both had a checkup today. She went first and was told her teeth are “pristine”. All good.

I was lying in the chair and Mr Dentist said he wanted to show me something on camera and I knew exactly what was coming. I also need a filling and all I could think about was YMP listening at the back of the room and trying not to giggle.

And yes, this has added to the hilarity. She actually started singing “You have tooth decay and you need a filling” when we walked out!


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