Best laid plans

The plan today was to walk up to the highest point on the island called Ma Peggy. We checked we had the start of the walk correct, we asked in the little shop. The lady there said another couple were about 15 minutes ahead of us with a guide. The concrete path was extremely steep and slippery. We made it so far and then got lost in the undergrowth and couldn’t find the route. A younger chap overtook us and we tried following the route he took but decided it was too slippery and dangerous. We then had to come down the way we had gone which hadn’t been the intention as we were going to do a circuit. My blip shows the view from where we reached and another in extras. Anyway, we managed to get down safely, we had our lightweight fold up poles with us and we were holding hands lest one of us slip. We settled on a dip in the sea instead, much more relaxing. It was the same spot we went to yesterday, very popular with the locals being the weekend but not at all busy. Back to our cottage for lunch and then a local dip later on. There was a small cruise ship at anchor today, it only takes 120 passengers. Another great sunset tonight. 

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