Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2023 Friday — Rare Moment

These two, Chloe (white) and Mitzi (tan), seldom behave like this. They tolerate each other, but snuggling together is not to their liking. So this was a pretty special moment and definitely worth preserving.

Chloe is 12 1/2 and Mitzi had her 14th birthday in early December. They both hangout in whatever room I am in, so I was preparing dinner when this moment happened. Mitzi is now deaf so she gets very confused when she doesn’t see me and then she begins walking from room to room to look for me.

My current habit is to move a little soft pup bed for each of them into whatever room I am in so they are not right where I need to be (like in front of the refrigerator). So right after capturing this photo, beds were placed for them in a much more convenient place.

That’s Friday
On California’s Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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