Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Latest creation

We woke to frost.  We went shopping before lunch, rhen afterwards I attempted to phone our lawyer for a progress report - had to leave a message.  Then into the sewing roo.

I had bought three bundles of five fat quarters in the local quilt shop.  Not sure what I would make, but thinking a small quilt for the impending new arrival in Sweden.  I started by cutting some 5 inch squares, but then decided a simple squares pattern (see extra) was not interesting enough, given there were only 5 different designs.  So decided to make half square triangles from four of the designs - the fifth one being animals I felt wouldn't work very well.  Eventually made 96 squares from 8 fat quarters (2 of each design).

Joined these together in 10 rows of nine (so there are 6 left over - not sure what I'll do with those).  Part of this quilt top is visible in the photo.

The backing required more creativity.  I used the three full fat quarters of the animal design to make most of it.  That left me with 4 fat quarters, and a backing that wasn't quite big enough.  So I then pieced a border at the top and bottom from one of the remaining fat quarters.  But the backing was still just a tad narrow.  I was all set to cut some strips from one of the remaining fat quarters when I realised I had loads of small offcuts from cutting the 5 inch squares.  Pieced these, fastened a strip down each side and behold, we have a backing.

Now just remains to be seen if there is enough wadding in my small stash, or if I need to make a further trip to the quilt shop!  I shall piece the binding from the remaining fat quarters.

Fun, but needing some brain exertion - the best type of day.

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