
jag To jag something is to prick it: he jagged his hand on the barbed wire. A jag is an instance of this. It can also mean an injection: the wean got a jag at school the day. Football teams with the word "Thistle" in their names are often nicknamed The Jags, most notably Partick Thistle.

At school, I definitely called injections 'jags', so this is a Scottish word that I have used, although I can't remember using it in my adult life. I must put it back into the vocabulary.

I actually did manage to properly jag myself on the cactus, which reminds me of why it's in a corner I don't pass much. The cactus itself is embarrassing as it looks rude and we have to apologise for its appearance whenever someone new comes to the house and spots it. The rude cactus (there are three in the pot and two are perfectly decent) does manage to flower every so often so we know it's doing OK. (It's embarrassing rudeness can be seen in yesterday's blip.)

Today, I went to a meeting in the company from which I was made redundant in February. It was mighty strange being there - it felt so familiar, yet not, as it's moved on without me. It's hard to explain how I felt at being there. The meeting was productive, though, and it was really lovely to see all my ex-colleagues again. A drinks night for next week has been arranged so I can catch up with them in a non-work context.

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