Happy birthday Mr R

It's Mr R 's birthday today. The wildlings always get excited that there will be cake. There was two. That way everyone is happy. I was blowing balloons and wrapping presents at 5 am .

Last night went well at football.  It was nearly a massive fail. Xander struggles with social situations.  It took two years for him to spend a whole day at school.  He ran onto the pitch and started having a kick around with the other kids and then after 10 minutes he came running over to me and declared he wanted to go home. One of the parents who helps with the football knows that he has autism.  She works with kids like Xander and Carson.  And she was fantastic with him. Between the both of us and a bribe for a roblox gift card he went back on the pitch and had a kick around with her. Then he got some 1on 1 coaching with the youngest coach. He's 14 and Xander had a great time. He has said he wants to go back and will join in with it all next week. So we need to go and buy football boots and kit at the weekend.  When we go next week I will be wearing at least two pairs of socks and leggings under my trousers.  It was freezing standing around.  I knew one of the other parents and then got chatting to a new woman. Turns out she works in the school I will be working in , so I will see her often. 

The wildlings have all had a good day. The jedi loved nursery.  He will stay for a little longer tomorrow.  I'm glad that he has a hospital appointment tomorrow as his ear is still hurting and he was in pain last night. He's also quite hoarse and his tonsils have flared up again.  The big wildlings all had a good day at school and nursery.  And Harp was chatting most of the way home. Oh it was a mission trying to avoid the ice today.  But I've done 13k steps so far and cycled 6 miles again.  Tomorrow I won't be on the bike. 

I've added a extra of Xander at his football 

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