Working out.

4pm and I'm only now sitting down to a bowl of granola and Greek yoghurt for my lunch. 

I kept both Harp and the jedi at home this morning as Carsons ear had kept him up some last night. 

A quick visit into town before we went to the hospital.  Outdoor gloves for 4 wildlings is expensive.  Harp only had her last pair for not even half a day when Mr R lost them at the zoo. 

I had the rudest bus driver ever on the local hospital bus. The minute he opened the door he screamed at me saying I wasn't getting on with a buggy as there was one on already.  I politely told him that I will fold it and come on as there was no way we were going to miss our hospital appointment.  He snapped again but I got both the jedi and Harp on and practically sat with the buggy on my knee. One lady said I should complain about him. I said to him when getting off that I hope his day gets better,  he just glared. 

Carson did well at the hospital.  I did have to hold him quite tight when he was getting checked.  I now have a prescription for his ear infection and she swabbed his tonsils as they're huge. I'll have to put the script in tomorrow.  
Mr R and the big boys picked us up from the hospital.  My father in law has just had another operation on his eye to remove some kind of silicone thing. So nana and grandad were on theor way back from Glasgow.  They normally do school pick-up.  I just hope it works this time. He has another operation next week on the other eye. 

Thanks for all your birthday wishes for Mr R yesterday.  Because he came home for cake he had to work a little longer in the evening.  

I've still got a few things to do around the house between now and bed. 

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