
As I have mentioned before, my third daughter, Izzy, works for an aid organisation, and she is currently based in Sierra Leone. The Minx and I have finally realised our plan to go and visit her, resulting in a subtle shift of inbound comms from "You should deffo visit Salone because..." to "Also, you'll need to be careful about..."

And one of the cautionary messages has been about the vaccinations we'll need, resulting in a trip to the pharmacy in Chorlton after work, today. The Minx had her jabs this week, and I will have mine next week. (I was wary of us both having them at the same time and simultaneously 'enjoying' a reaction.)

I took this shot as we walked from the office to pick up the car from home: another picture of Manchester's ever elevating skyline. After I took it, two happy chaps in a passing car asked me to take their photo, too. (See Extra.)

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