
By Madchickenwoman

He's a Berger Picard!

I met so many people on our walk in Cotehele - all wanting to know what Oscar was! He was his usual friendly self - standing across peoples legs and leaning into them for strokes and adoration! He is such a flirt! One elderly lady called across the top lawn to me asking this question - as she was approaching us she thought he was a llama! This is the second time he's been mistaken for one! I had a long chat with my neighbour by the house - he works for Cotehele and at the moment is splitting his time between the house he lives in there and his new one opposite me! His wife has fully moved in to the new house! I also bumped into The Author - but as she was with another couple and I was answering their question about Oscar I did not realise it was her! It's rather like schoolchildren not recognising their teachers out of school! 
I really do appreciate living in such a small community and meeting people I know when out with Oscar. Due to Oscar I chat to a lot of people when out but it's lovely to meet people I recognise - gives a sense of community and belonging.

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