Tiny Leaves
This is a close up of the tiny design engraved around the sound hole of my tiny ukelele. It really looks much better large. I'm so glad that Irish59 recommended a concert size rather than soprano, which is really tiny! Many thanks to Pinkhairedlady for hosting Tiny Tuesdays this month!
When I finished on Blip last night, I picked up the ukelele again and taught myself 4 chords. I have the advantage of having played guitar for many years. I knew how to read chord diagrams and how to hold down strings and strum. I also know tons of songs that I can play with C-Am-F-G7. The hardest thing was squeezing my fingers into the tiny frets to play the chords. I was too busy today to start on my lessons, and I really don't want to do anymore until I start them so I don't teach myself any bad habits. Besides, my fingertips are very sore! I shouldn't have played for so long last night. We're having a snow day tomorrow, so I'll have plenty of time for lessons, and my fingers should feel better by then. :-)
We had a substitute instuctor at water aerobics today. She's never taught the class before, and she kept apologizing for being so bad at it. She was very nice, but she was right about being bad!
I am grateful to PD for going to pick up firewood so we will be well supplied for the snowy days ahead. While he did that, I went to Sam's and filled my nearly empty gas tank, and then stocked up on all the things we buy there. I cancelled my PT tomorrow because I'll be getting plenty of exercise shoveling snow. Eight to ten inches is predicted.
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