The Encroacher

The weather is incredibly beautiful today. It is sunny and 59° F (15.1° C) outside. I made us country sausage and cheese sandwiches for breakfast. Hubby picked up a couple pounds of the only sausage that I know I am not allergic to. Yum. After cleaning the kitchen and watering all my plants in the basement, I joined hubby in taking down the tree in the living room. It has many ornaments and almost each one has its own box so it takes hours. The furniture is back in place, the room vacuumed and everything in there is nice and tidy. Ahhhh. I decided to take a walk and get some fresh air. We have had ivy in our forest since we moved here. Today, I noticed just how far it has spread into our lawn. The inset photo gives a better view. The ivy stops where the leaves are on the ground. I am uncomfortable spraying it with a weed killer because the trees that line the property are dogwood. They would also probably die. Oh well…. Dinner is cooked so we will have a quiet and easy evening. Guess we won’t be going to WV in February after all. Our DIL has major surgery on 31January, I’m staying at Kim’s with Trek on 14/15 February and my granddaughter’s baby is due 24 February. I should stay close to help out the crew. We will plan to go in March. But I was looking forward to maybe being snowed in. Enjoy your evening folks. Stay well. Thanks for all the visits, stars and hearts lately. “Creeping where no life is seen, A rare old plant is the ivy green.” -Charles Dickens

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