A Splash of Color

It was raining when we got up this morning. I had planned to go with hubby to his ENT appointment, figuring I could get a blip. Maybe I’ll go to the next one if the weather is better. He has a follow up since the doctor could not easily identify any blockage in his ear. Hubby asked, and I was disappointed to learn they still have not found relief for tinnitus. I have tried many recommended remedies but so far, I almost go nuts with that constant high pitched buzzing, often, like today, in both ears. I finished collecting the ornaments off the Rec room tree and packing them away. The box we used until this year was simply too large and it took both of us to carry it up and down the stairs. I neatly packed everything into four XEROX paper boxes. That job will be so much easier next year. An unexpected invitation to Jamie’s for dinner and a visit with River and his parents preempted last night’s plan to finish the job. The rain had almost stopped before lunch so I went outside to check my quince bush. There were about four blooms open. As much as I hate to do it, the entire bush must be pulled up and burned in hopes of getting rid of the scale pest that is completely covering every branch. We have tried using many different pest killers but nothing has worked. My sister gave me this bush so it is hard to destroy it. Hubby picked up groceries on his way home. We had a quick lunch and now I think we are finished for the day. Hoping your weather was a bit better than ours today. Thanks for stopping by. Will try to get to all your journals tonight. I have been getting 2/3s read and I’m out like a light. Stay safe. “I love flowering quince for many reasons but admit the flowers are the real hook for me. It's always a thrill to spy that first splash of color--a signal that winter is nearing its end. Right when I need it most, this plant brightens the garden and gets me excited about the season ahead.” - Rebecca Bull Reed

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