
Started back to exercises for the elderly today with an early start at 12.00 instead of 12.30 so that we could have a little social time of tea/coffee and biscuits or savoury nibbles! Had to walk up toTessa to get a lift but got to the end of Durnford street and had to go back to get my phone! What a plonker! So then I was late so Tessa picked me up by the park!

It was a delight to see Colleen and the rest of the group and chat with them. I did walk back from Tessa via Lidl to buy lemons and Bramley apples to bake. They are so luscious filled with raisins and ground almonds or marzipan if you have it!

Another walk this evening to pick up my lift to home group which was also full and a joy to spend time together looking a John the Baptist pointing people to the Lamb of God! So many distractions available to catch our attention so a good reminder!

Loved to em see the different clouds in the sky on my way back across the park! The building on the right is Devonport High School for Boys and the building directly behind the goal posts is City College which is state of the art and freshly spruced up!

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