Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


My second meeting with the interesting man in the local bookstore cafe who had a long career in the film industry. I hope to capture a proper interview with him for podcast in the near future. Apparently he was a moving camera operator or grip - not to be confused with a key grip who handles lighting. His last movie was in 2004, the fourth in the Harry Potter series, which was nominated for best cinematography at the Oscars that year.

I don't know the dog's name but she is a bit of a biter apparently so I kept my distance.

Another frustrating day at work. Did at least get out in the sunshine for a cold walk. 

Dylan's walk across the keyboard today created the code iu8798io. Please let me know if this means anything to you.

The news today is littered with climate stories:

Sultan Ahmed al-Jaber, chief executive of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), will preside over the next round of global climate talks in Dubai in November. How absurd is that? Greta Thunberg gave the news a real roasting.

The MP for Kingswood in south Gloucestershire Chris Skidmore, believes failure to adopt strong climate policies is bad not only for the planet but also for the Conservative party. He says dithering and delay could help lead to the destruction of the planet, is costing the UK its international reputation and could be deadly for the Tory party if they are outflanked by rival parties on the issue. Planet before party Chris, planet before party.

King Charles is giving a big windfall from his wind farms to develop green initiatives.

Exxon knew it was / we were killing the planet. way back in the 1970s. How long does it take for us to learn our lessons? 

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