Place: Largo, FL 66/78
Main activity: Thurs - dirty chair, roof scan
Notes: Woke early and back to sleep until almost 8a! Leisurely morning doing stuff around the house, finally started getting clothes sorted and put into the closet - extra bedroom is still quite a mess. Looking online then for the things I still need and came across this chair for $8 - just the right colors for what I have, said it needed cleaning. Could not tell how dirty and stained it was till I got there but decided to see if I can get it clean. Had already started here, worst stain in the top middle - got the black off already and am working on what appears to be grease underneath. Was not easy to get up the steps - I first had on my back but at the top, it shifted backwards and went back down the stairs. My neighbor then helped thankfully. Joe arrived around 2p, we headed out ~230p back up to Wildwood to scan a roof at Sumter HS - night night and went well. Got back around 830p.

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