
Today was Friday but I didn’t do BP as I had an 11.00am chiropodist appointment.  I spent an hour or so doing some paperwork preparing to submit OH tax return - I am going to get more organised next year and record pension info in real time rather than trying to remember 12 months later!

Quick visit to get my feet done (not sure it was worth £35) and then on to hobbycraft to get jars in advance of marmalade making session.  Lunch and long walk with M and scout was lovely.  She is still not in a good place and struggles with her OH living away Monday - Friday.  Always interesting as it seems other people’s lives are perfect but when you scratch the surface……

Home to light the fire and catch up with OH and fish and chips for dinner - always nice at the time but a mistake a few hours later.  We watched Bank of Dave on Netflix - interesting film, based on true story.

Message from No.1 who had another appointment but will update me tomorrow. 

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