Foggy morning

This morning I drew back the curtains to find thick fog, but by the time I’d gone downstairs to grab my phone and make a cup of tea to bring back to bed, it had started to clear.

Took a trip into town this morning to do our weekly shop in person, the first time in three years! I’ve popped into supermarkets on occasion but we’ve got so used to the routine of online shopping which fits in so well with full time work that we just haven’t ventured out for a full shop. The store was actually really quiet - maybe due to the cold weather? - so it was actually quite a pleasure to wander round the shelves and look at things first hand.

I met up with a friend for lunch and a good chat, and then caught up on a bit of work in the afternoon - I had to type up some minutes which I’ve just not had time for in the week and if I don’t get them done soon, I’ll forget what was said!

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