Support Crew

We both looked up at the massive bang on the patio window... on the slabs below lay a very dazed starling. They were very fortunate not to have broken their neck - or our patio window! We watched with concern as the bird laid on its back, panting gently... 

While we determined between us whether we should intervene or let nature run its course, I noticed the flock of starlings that waited in the tree at the bottom of the garden, clearly as concerned as we were, and keeping an eye out in all directions in case a predator took the opportunity for a quick lunch.

By the time I'd filled a cardboard box with shredded paper from my study, the tree was full of birds. But as I cautiously placed the box down ready to transfer the still recumbent starling, they nipped casually to their feet and took to the sky. Now, what ever am I going to do with all this shredded paper?

It's a rubbish shot, and taken through the double glazing. But I liked the way these three were covering all the directions.

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