Surviving nicely!

These primroses are just outside our front porch and still looking good despite it being -3C when I took this….the other bowls in our back garden planted at the same time were looking very different with the frost! 
I am not sure if  my cyclamen plant will recover as I forgot to put it in a sheltered place.

It was chilly again all day.
I went to the local church hall where they had a ‘Recycle, regift and Reuse ‘ event this morning. I took along quite a few books an old radio and a few other items.

The idea was to donate something and then you could take an item. I had a quick look but only took a couple of children's books. 
Lots of donations were coming in as I left. I guess anything left at the end of the day would be donated to a charity shop.

Later we had the family over and my son in law made up the IKEA bed frame. So we now have two single beds ready for grandchildren! 

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