Field Vole.

I think. Happy to be corrected though. 

I found this little one shivering and behaving oddly by the woodstore, he let me pick him up without any attempt to escape. They only live a year, and he might have been succumbing to the cold, so I tucked him into a sheltered mossy spot on the wall with a sprinkling of bird food seeds - when I looked a few hours later he was gone. I'm going to assume recovered and grateful rather than eaten lol. 

A trip to the the gym first thing, back on the physio exercises, I think it's a rest of life process now. The ankle complained for a while, but I know to build it up slowly nowadays. 
A long afternoon of study. This module is fascinating (good) but very oddly put together (bad). Somehow I've done next week's assignment contribution already without even beginning the reading. My fellow students have done the same. Odd, but good to be deadline free now for a couple of weeks..  

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