Canary Wharf Winter Lights festival
Had a relaxing morning, conserving all my energy for an afternoon/evening out with my friend James and his friend Jackie (a fellow photography lover). More or less the first time I've been out this year - apart from a couple of trips to the pharmacy - and I did feel a bit weird to begin with, and pretty knackered, but I was glad I went.
It was SO busy there though! I'd packed my tripod and an extra lens, thinking I'd do some 'proper' photography - but it was all a bit of a scrum, so I just got a load of high ISO handheld snaps in the end. A few of the installations had massive queues, so we skipped them, but we did see most of what was on offer. Oh, and we bought some food in an Amazon Fresh shop there, which was an experience (scan an app to go in, then pick up what you want and simply walk out, and trust that it'll charge you the right amount. It did.)
Had a lovely time with James and Jackie, but I was very happy to be home by 7:30pm and have a very chilled evening with Tim :)
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