Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

Dunnock in the rain

Today has been a bit like the day after the day before. So much seen and done yesterday, today has been a bit of a non-event.

Been feeling very below par - perhaps all that time in woodland looking for birds wasn't such a great idea. Lots of headaches, nausea, dizziness and general exhaustion today. Taken anti-histamines tablets, nasal spray, eye drops, menthol sweets, Swiss herb sweets, Rennies, Paracetemol (not all at once) to no great effect. Sleep is probably the answer.

Today's blip is a Dunnock in the rain.

My sunflower heart feeder is emptying in 24 hours now and I am trying to work out the pecking order. I appears to be Nuthatch move off Greenfinch who move off Goldfinch who move off Great Tit who move off Robin ( bit of a suprise that!) who move off Blue Tit or Chaffinch who seem to tolerate each other.

The Dunnock only go on the feeder if no sign of any other bird and are happy mopping up below the feeder as are Blackbird, Woodpigeon and very occasional Song Thrush and Jackdaw.

This is not science but is an observation.

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