Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

A bit windy on the beach

Had a job to do in Silloth on the coast this morning which was great as it meant a walk on one of the beaches afterwards. It was very windy on the beach and Bonnie found a stick to carry which she actually held onto for quite a while. The wind was blowing the sand around and I liked the swirly shapes being made. Visibility was great with lovely cloudscapes and views across the Solway to Criffel.

There were a few exits through the sand dunes to various car parks and I took the wrong exit, whoops! Anyhow there were a group of people milling around the car park with tripods and cameras which just had to be one of John Gravett's workshops! I stopped and said hello to John and a couple of other fellow blippers comma and Eyesee. Bonnie made herself at home by plonking herself next to somebody having a sandwich!

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