Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

In the pink

Saw this lovely cherry blossom tree in a small village church yard nr Carlisle earlier. Took various shots around the village and it was hard to decide what to blip. As the blossom will soon be gone I decided to blip it. My other favourite shot can wait until I'm next there, and it will make a great blip!

Lots of showers today including some hailstones. Very strange weather and still cold, shiver shiver! Just looked at my blip a year ago and I was at Rannerdale blipping the bluebells, bet they're not all out now!

Watched the sun go down on the marsh a short while ago and while I was busy with the camera Bonnie was crunching on something. When I looked around there was a large carcass which had probably been washed up. There were some other bits around too and it looked like a heron, so quite sad really.

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