Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

The Roebuck.

The Feast Day of Saint Emerentiana. 304 AD
Saint John the Almsgiver.
I feel elated that after 10 days of snow and slippery pavements, and hibernating, I have just returned from doing 3937 steps from a lovely walk to the canal and the High Street. I saw two swans and many ducks being fed near High Street bridge. Part of te canal is frozen and icy and the red narrowboat Billy Whizz, is in the same place he was 10 days ago.
There are many slippery patches  on the pavements so I walked carefully. Most of the roofs are clear now it is suddenly 6c.
The photo is of our oldest pub, the much loved Roebuck. Dating to 1753, when in days gone by it was a coaching house, for people travelling between Blackburn and Burnley. They could eat, rest and feed their horses.
Have a great time blip friends and enjoy the pleasant weather because a Snow bomb is due in early February, so they say! 
January has flown.
Added note.
Sadly, from our Accrington Observer, I learnt of the passing of a friend from St Charles Church. Kevin was 86 and passed after a short illness in Royal Blackburn Hospital on 2nd January 2023.
He was a very kind natured, really talented teacher but always had time for people. He played the organ at Holy Mass. He was married to Gail who is still alive and was herself a teacher. Peace and Christ's light to his soul as he journeys on in spirit.

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