A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Make It Stop

Snow started to fall @ 9pm last night. When I looked out at 6:30am it was still snowing. I’ve been out twice to clear off the step, break open a path to the driveway, and shovel under the feeders. It’s 3pm now and it’s still coming down heavily! My guess is we have more than 12” so far • As you can imagine the feeders have been busy all day long. Birds of all kinds huddled in the lilacs taking turns at the feeders. Some were up to their necks in snow scratching the ground underneath for seeds. This Carolina Wren sought shelter inside the Christmas tree on our patio • In a typical winter the wren wouldn’t be this far north but a pair have been with us since last summer, although we rarely see them. The milder winter has kept them here but winter arrived this week with a vengeance. A third storm hits Wednesday night. Poor Carolina Wren is wondering - what happened? • We goofed off during lunch and finished off a limited series we’ve been watching on Netflix. Women At War. Really good if you’re looking for something to watch • Let’s hope for a peaceful and healthy week ahead!

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