Take It To The Limit

We’ve seen a few of the SAS Who Dares Wins instructors doing their “an evening with” type shows. Ant Middleton was all about motivation and positive thinking and Billy Billingham was all about overcoming adversity and dealing with life after active service.
Last night was the turn of Jason Fox, and his “Life At The Limit” talk sort of fell between the other two. He started by detailing his struggles with PTSD after being medically discharged from the army, before telling us a little of his time serving with the special forces. The bulk of the evening though, was taken up by the various projects he has taken on since leaving the forces. Whether rowing across the Atlantic or canoeing down the Yukon, there is no doubt he still feels the need to challenge himself. In fact, he admitted that these challenges were his “medicine” for dealing with his mental issues.
There were plenty of more light hearted stories as well, mainly concerning his TV work, and it all made for a very entertaining - and, at times, thought provoking - evening. Not least, at the end of the evening when he introduced us to his “mission statement” - Momento Mori. This translates as “remember you must die” and he emphasised that this was not meant to be taken in a negative way. Rather, you should acknowledge the fact that this will be your ultimate fate and that it is up to you to decide how you will spend your days up to that time. He wasn’t saying live each day at full throttle, as if it was your last, more that you should just embrace life and make the most of it.
I can do that.

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