At the Tate Modern

Went with friend down to the Tate Modern,  to see the Cezanne exhibition.  I am not Cezannes biggest fan but it was quite interesting to see the change in his style and craftsmanship over many years.  Those who know the gallery and it's history will know that periodically a major work is installed in the huge space of the turbine hall and that is what my main blip is.  This is the work of Chilean artist Cecilia Vicuna titled Brain Forest Quipa and is based on the idea that the Andean people in the past did not write but wove fabric and knotted cords  through which they could tell a story.  The knitted cords contain pieces collected from the Thames and are used to tell the story of the destruction of the rain forests and the  violence against the indigenous people of the region.  There are two parts, each 27 metres tall.

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