Antur neu drychineb

Antur neu drychineb ~ Adventure or disaster

“A creative art, a power of the creative instinct, a heroic art which embodies all that is serious and all that is fortuitous in life’s laws. Dada regarded art as an adventure of liberated humanity.”
― Hans Richter

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Y bore 'ma roedd y ffyrdd a phalmentydd yn anrhagweladwy llithrig gydag iâ. Cychwynnais i redeg ond ffeindiais i yn gyflym na fyddai'n syml. Weithiau gallech chi weld yr iâ ac weithiau dim. Gallwn i fod wedi troi yn ôl, ond roedd y niwl a goleuadau stryd yn ysblennydd, felly gwnes i ddyfalbarhau, weithiau rhedeg, weithiau cerdded.

Weithiau byddai llethr y palmant yn llithro i mi tua'r ffordd ac roedd rhaid i mi ddal gafael ar lwyni a waliau gerddi i wneud cynnydd. Ar un pryd roeddwn i'n meddwl y byddai'n rhaid i mi gyrraedd adref ar ddwylo a phengliniau fel rhywun wedi meddwi.

Roeddwn i'n meddwl bod os rydw i'n cyrraedd adre heb ddamwain, mae e wedi bod antur. Ar law arall, os caf i ddamwain, mae e wedi bod trychineb. Yn ffodus cyrhaeddais i adre mewn un rhan.

Felly roedd e'n antur ... ond hydw i ddim yn gwneud hynny eto.

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This morning the roads and pavements were unpredictably slippery with ice. I started running but I quickly found it wasn't going to be simple. Sometimes you could see the ice and sometimes not. I could have turned back, but the fog and street lights were spectacular, so I persevered, sometimes running, sometimes walking.

Sometimes the slope of the pavement would slide for me towards the road and I had to hold on to bushes and garden walls to make progress. At one point I thought I would have to get home on my hands and knees like a drunk.

I thought that if I get home without an accident, it's been an adventure. On the other hand, if I have an accident, it has been a disaster. Luckily I got home in one piece.

So it was an adventure ... but I'm not doing that again.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Y tywyllwch o dan pont y rheilffordd
Description (English): The darkness under the railway bridge

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