Duvet day & more EDF rantings

Today we had a duvet day. That is all. 

Ann hasn't even had the energy to put me in the car and take me to the park to play with my ball today. All I've had, are three little 15-20 min walks around the block. The rest of the time Ann has been snoozing on the sofa and I have been snoozing in my bed. It never ceases to amaze Ann what an adaptable, chillaxed little Collie pup I am. I just fit in with whatever she wants me to do and I never make a fuss.

…............And then Ann was rudely interrupted from her snooze by a call from the 'complex meter team' at EDF. For those of you who read our Blips regularly you will know that we ranted about EDF on 4th & 17th January. Basically Ann increased her direct debit from £138 to £200 in December and EDF took £400 out of her account at the beginning of January. Long story short...................... the person she spoke to on 4th Jan said it was because we had two meters (eh no we don't) so £200 was being taken out for each meter. She was told that £200 would be refunded into her bank account and that they would also sign her up to be a 'vulnerable person' as she was over 60. None of which was done by the 17th Jan, so she phoned again. This time she was told that she'd increased the direct debit to £200 and she'd also had a review which had increased it by another £200 so £400 was being taken each month. £400 for a 2-bed flat?! (We have no gas). We know energy prices have increased massively but didn't think that was possible, so Ann asked how much debt/credit was on her account and was told she was £785 in credit??!!....................... Well Ann knew that couldn't possibly be correct, but the call centre girl was adamant that it was. Ann then said she wanted to go onto a exact direct debit (ie she will send in a meter reading every month and will pay exactly what is due) but of course girl on the phone said that she couldn't do that for us but the 'complex meter team' would call us back within 12-14 working days.

Why is life so complicated? Ann's plan for tomorrow was to go to the bank and cancel our direct debit because she didn't want another £400 coming out of our bank account on 1st Feb. The problem with that plan was............... if she did that and set up another account it would be at a higher rate. …...........Are you keeping up?

Problem averted. Yay! Very nice person from the 'complex meter team' has cancelled our monthly direct debit of £400 and has set us up with an exact direct debit. Fortunately, because Ann was at home when he phoned, she was able to give him an exact meter reading which meant he could tell us exactly how much we owed. £297.14. So maybe £400 for the winter months is correct. Oh well hey ho, we have to send in a meter reading on the 1st of each month and then a few days later EDF will take the exact amount from our account. So no doubt our bill for January will be around £400, but as we're going to be away for most of February, it should be less than £100. As long as EDF have set this up correctly for us, this should work fine. Famous last words. We'll keep you informed.........................

And in other news.................. Ann doesn't normally like putting pills & potions into her body apart from wine, lol but at around 4pm, she took a couple of paracetamol and apart from a blocked up nose, she's actually feeling fine now (6pm). She was supposed to be going out for dinner tonight but cancelled that. Tomorrow she's working, but she'll take me to the park for a run about with my ball and assuming she's OK, she's off out to the 'Steak House' for dinner tomorrow night.

Sometimes it's good to have a duvet day!!!

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