
We stay regularly in Premier Inns, mostly for overnight stops. They are comfortable, quiet, clean and the staff are wonderful, but they are when it comes down to it . . . basic. So it felt like real luxury when we stepped into our hotel in Seville. This is the reception area looking up to the rooms on each floor. We had a fourth floor room, which was very smart indeed - our own spacious terrace with seating and views over the city and the Cathedral. The room even had a proper coffee machine. Now this might seem just like all hotel rooms to some people, but to us it was luxury.

I must hasten to add that we were there out of season and Gordon had somehow got a very good deal. There is no way we could afford a room like this at any other time of the year.

So it was great whilst it lasted. What a lovely few days we have had. It has been good to get away and find sunshine and light and a city we both now love. We are home now and probably back to the gloom, but at least the days have got considerably longer since we’ve been away . . . or is that imagination!

Afterthought 1
I looked around both airports and found I was the only one reading a book. I know a lot of people like Kindles for many reasons, but most people as far as I could see were scrolling through screens. So I was quite amused when I noticed on the plane - three of us with books.

Afterthought 2
It was very sad at Seville Airport passport control to find we could no longer wander through the friendly EU gate, but had to queue to get our passports checked and stamped, along with all the other ‘foreigners’. Sigh . . .

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