Libby Gets A Pedicure

When I went to adopt a cat from the Humane Society I knew I wanted a 1-2 year old, female, declawed cat. As it turned out when I discovered Libby, she was only one of the 3 things I was looking for. I think it was love at first sight for both of us. At that point her age didn't seem to matter to me anymore. (she was six years old). I did still want to get her declawed however. Do you actually know what happens to the cat when they are declawed? I didn't know. They told me at the Humane Society what they actually do to the cats. I went home and looked it up for myself. You may think you know. I thought I did too. I had no idea. Check this out. After seeing this info I promised Libby she would NEVER EVER have to worry about being declawed. She loves to knead on me a lot. Hurts sometimes. She just doesn't seem to know how to hold her claws in, but I love her and just deal with it. Today was another trip to have her nails trimmed. Libby you are so worth it sweetie.

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