Grey Heron

I couldn't see any heron as I entered the park this morning. As I got closer to the loch the passive female (today's shot) spotted me and flew over to the other side of the fence round the loch. The aggressive female also flew over with one of the other youngsters. I gave them all a feed then made my way round the path. They all followed and were joined by another 2 on the grass slope and the regular male in the water. I started feeding as many as I could but they were a bit aggressive with each other with angry calls and crest flipping. I spotted a woman in the distance putting her dog on a lead and standing way back. As I continued feeding them I heard her say "don't go round that way he is feeding the heron". I thought that was very nice of her. I finished feeding them then made my way down the road feeding the crows as I went!   

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