Good Vibrations

Another band practice this afternoon as we bring our new drummer up to speed with the set. Went well, though we probably still need a few more rehearsals to really tighten things up before we play gigs. I particularly like using this HH bass amp and cabinet, which is in the rehearsal room, as it means I only have to bring my guitar and a lead with me and can leave the rest of the gear at home. It might look old and battered but it produces a great sound. I’d love to have it as my stage rig, but I really wouldn’t fancy lugging that cab up and down the stairs of some of the venues we play at.
Driving to the rehearsal was a bit weird. I’d had a check up at the hospital this morning which required photographs to be taken of the backs of my eyes. To do this, they’d put drops in to dilate my pupils, which hadn’t fully worn off by the time I set off - I think I was the only person going down the A590 wearing sunglasses this lunchtime! Thankfully, all had returned to normal by the time I headed home this evening.
As I’ve had no issues with my eyes/vision over the last year, I’m confident it’ll be another “all clear” when I get the results in a couple of weeks.

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