Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2023 Thursday — Construction Begins

This is simply a “Before & After” (the start). We’ve desired for a long time to do something to make our patio more useful and now that we have a gravel patio and fire pit on the top of our backyard hill, it’s time to put a cover on the cement patio that’s right outside our two back doors.

Today they began with the demolition; so removing the eves (the roof overhang) was the first order of business. So the symphony of the saw irritated our eardrums for the majority of the day. I think I learned this in the past and I’m learning it again as if for the first time — I don’t like demolition.

The top row photos are the “After.” The bottom two are the “Before.” It is difficult to see but little by little over the next week the transformation should become much more visible, so I’ll use my blip-page to keep tabs on this.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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