Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2023 Friday — January’s Last Friday

January is lining-up to go out with a “bang!” The bang of nails being hammered, saw blades chewing through wood studs, and a compressor motor charging filled the air and our ears on this final Friday of 2023’s first month. If it were not so terrifying to hear the eves being cut off and bouncing on the ground, this would be delightful. At this first phase of construction, however, it’s rather terrifying.

The past nine months have been slightly terrifying, though, after giving this construction company thousands of dollars of deposit money in April 2022 with the acknowledgement that building would begin in 10 weeks. After 14 weeks we finally heard from the company owner with a humble apology that work was way behind schedule but not to worry because our project would begin soon. Two months later (early October) we walked into the construction company office to say, “Hi! Remember us?” And then we asked if the job could begin the week following Thanksgiving (approximately 6 weeks later). The answer was “Oh, that’s very doable.”

So on Thursday of the last week of January, sigh, construction has begun. This was Day 2. Now a 3-day break because supplies arrive this coming Tuesday. So we are on the edge of our seats with 100% anticipation and a whirlwind of other emotion.

From California’s Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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