
By OlyShipp

Madina Mosque, Stanley Road

When I first arrived in Oxford we lived next door the Madina Mosque on Stanley Road. We didn't really get to know our new neighbours, but neither did they cause any problems, except for parking on the pavement every Friday (which may be seen as integrating with the culture here, selfish and anti-social as it is).

But following the verdicts today in the child sexual exploitation cases at the Old Bailey, it feels rather different. The uncomfortable truth is that there is a real issue in the muslim community here that some men (not all) do not respect women - white women in particular - in the way our society expects, and at the extreme see them as objects for sale and exploitation.

In the same way as some Christian churches have lost their moral authority after so shamefully failing to deal with sexual abuse, the Muslim mosques now have a similar challenge - I hope they face up to it rather better.

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