
Today's the day ...................... to count

This is the weekend of the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch.

The idea is that you spend one hour at some point in the weekend, counting the birds that you see in your garden, from your balcony or in your local park.  You only include those that actually land, not those flying over - and you count the most birds of a particular species that you see at any one time.  Then you submit your results and a picture is built up by the RSPB of which birds are doing well and those that are in decline.

It's very simple and actually a nice way to spend an hour at any time.  Of course, you can usually put money on it that you won't see the woodpecker or the nuthatch - or anything really exciting that you get occasionally.  But I did see a tree-creeper - and Mr Pheasant graced us with his presence (see extra).

I went out for a walk afterwards and immediately became aware of the gunshot in the wood of the nearby estate.  Apparently, today was the last pheasant shoot of the year, so you might say that Mr Pheasant was definitely in the right place to stand and be counted .......................?! 

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