Sweet Peas

I spoke to M last time I saw her and she planted her sweet peas in November.  I have tried that before but they get leggy so I don't usually sew mine until February (think Monty says on 14th February for some reason?).  However I wanted to get out in the garden for a bit today so pottered in the greenhouse throwing away all the plant cuttings which had been caught by the frost and then sewing my sweet peas.  I also put another coat of paint on the jars for Aimee's wedding.  OH was fiddling around and kept his distance.  JC arrived around lunchtime and he went to the pub with No.1 (both not drinking) but it was nice for them to have some time together as she has been in Kent for the last few days.  I cooked dinner and No.2 arrived (after visiting Rye with a 'friend' called Hannah.  He had previously text to say they wouldn't want dinner as they had tea and cakes but he came through the door looking expectantly?  "I know I said that we would't want anything but just wonder if there is anything you could russle up?  Good job for batch cooking as I found a lasagne that I defrosted and there were some vegetables left over.  I lost to JC at scrabble - he is now leading 3:0.

I went to bed at 9.00 and will watch (un)Happy Valley on catch up - I was a bit too preoccupied with Monday to concentrate.

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