
Nothing much today - I did BP first thing then home for shower (I get bored typing that so I am sure anyone reading will get bored reading?!)


Leek and Potato soup
Beef mince = lasagne x 2, shepherd's pie x 2 and 1 x chilli con carne

OH was in the garden taking the dead box balls out of the pots and I spent time on the computer working out how to print labels as a mirror image.  My most recent crafting project needs to have text printed mirror image so when it is printed on transfer paper the text will be the right way round.  Lots of help on line and I eventually managed to sort it out.

Chat with No.1 who was feeling tired after the weekend but was looking forward to seeing friends' new baby tonight.

Shepherd's pie for dinner but we don't have enough vegetables so OH suggested we have baked beans!  Cordon Bleu not?!

Photo is of the adorable Malcolm sent to me by No.2 this morning - four nostrils in the picture.

Day done - almost February ..........Yay!

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