
By Murmuration

What a Day!

Had to take my car back into the garage in Dunfermline today as it has a fault. It will be there for a few days and so Mr M had arranged with the lease company that I got a lease car until it was ready. Dropped the car off at 9am and by 10 there was still no sign of lease car and so I said I would walk into Dunfermline for a coffee and they said they would phone once the car was ready. Had a coffee and a look around the shops and then decided to have a look around the park, which someone had reccommended to me last time I was there. Indeed it is a lovely park with a glen and a stream and flower gardens. Come 12, and still no word of the car, I thought I would call the leasing company and check the problem. When I got out the schedule that Mr M had givemn me I saw the problem straight away. They had booked the lease car for next Monday and today was Friday! Irate call to Mr M who said he would come and collect me in about an hours time.
Started to wander slowly back towards the town when I spotted something on the path ahead which, when I got closer, turned out to be a woman on the ground, unconscious. She was lying at the bottom of some stone steps with her body across the path. Tried to rouse her by shaking and shouting but no joy. Phoned the police who then put me onto the ambulance service. A few people passed me but no-one thought to stop and help until a coupe of young guys stopped and tried to roudse her, again no joy.
Eventually (and i'm cutting a long story short here) the police and ambulance arrived. The policeman walked up to the woman and said 'Alright?' and she sat up and said 'I'm drunk.' Honestly, I could have lamped her one. Instead I beat a hasty retreat. 
Mr M eventually picked me up and when we contacted the hire company they said they hadn't sent a car as there wasn't one available until the Monday - does this make sense to you? It certainly didn't to me! Anyway, we ended up having to go to Edinburgh airport to pick up a hire car. Not the best of days.

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