The kiss...

The hoover stopped working today, well not so much stopped more that it started smoking.. A LOT! When Colin reads this I know his exact words... Why didn't you tell me the hoover's broken, great, that's more bloody expense ;)

Went out to buy wrapping paper today, came home with Wedding Anniversary paper instead of birthday paper.. Bugger...

Went to the fair this evening, it was nice until you had to walk through some chavy mums smoking their fags and telling their children to stop talking and play on the bouncy castle as they're on a F-ing timer... So that was nice.

Colin met us there, the girls didn't know he was coming and he's been out or working late the last few nights. May was thrilled and jumped into his arms!! Evie gave him a quick nod ;)

I was going to blip this, I thought it was hilarious but unfortunately it's very blurry! The girls got carried away with ringing the bell on the train!

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