Happy Birthday my beautiful Evie!

Today Evie turned 8!!!

She woke up to presents from us.. An iPod shuffle, a satchel (she kind of wanted, not the real thing!), sea monkeys, a voice activated diary, 1D money box, 1D onesie and the best present of all time EVER in the WHOLE world a £16.99 Pogo stick!!!!! She loves her pogo stick and is already totally awesome on it!!!!

We picked her up from camera club then picked her friend up then popped to Grandmas AND THEN went to May's school fair... Go kart rides, hair braids, bouncy castles, BBQ's and several coconuts later with a live rendition of Eric Claptons version of Cocaine (?! Suitable for a bunch of infants ?!) we left to open presents from her friends! She's a very lucky girl and still has a few to open tomorrow!

ION: Evie has been asking for ages for a Cambridge Satchel, when she split her head open last week, I felt so awful about the whole situation I told her I would get her whatever she wanted, she requested a Cambridge Satchel AGAIN, I nodded then gulped....

Previously before the head banging incident I entered a competition on Twitter and tonight I got an email telling me that I had won a Cambridge satchel bag!!! Evie wanted one, I won one on her birthday, a sign?????? Possibly!!!!But I am so keeping it ;)

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