Place: Largo, FL 68/79
Main activity: Thurs - miles & walks, pool
Notes: Started the day w/ a 30-min jog - first time on a weekday since I moved in and could definitely tell a big difference in traffic. Found a couple little quieter areas. Decided to go to Publix in the morning to switch out my too-old pomegranate. Debated walking/driving and then stepped out the door w/ my car keys but proceeded to head off on foot! Got quite a few great pics including this heart one in the adjacent park. Have to cross some pretty big intersections and was loud and chaotic tho did find a much quieter route for 95% of the return trip. Sent a doc to the library behind the complex then and walked over to print it - first time in there and was quite busy. Hit the pool for 45 min after that, nice and quiet still in the morning (11a-12p) and had the place to myself. Made big lunch then, roasted chicken with broccoli & pesto over quinoa - have made many times and is always good. I often do the poached chicken like the recipe calls for but have much leftover chicken from roasting recently. Here's the recipe: Poached chicken, broccolini & pesto quinoa (gluten-free) . I also use broccoli instead of broccolini and homemade pesto. Talked to Mom early evening, quiet peaceful rest of the night.

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